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The Ethos of Being Spiritual Art


You are spiritual art expressed in human form, an unfolding masterpiece with the grace of divinity encoded within. As the spiritual Poet of your life, only you can unlock your full potential by awakening to who you truly are beyond your persona and personality.

LOVE+TRUTH is Robert Althuis’ spiritual manifesto — a progression of spiritual wisdom and philosophy interwoven with modern science. This extraordinary, fully channeled work reveals an exquisite perfection to Life itself.

LOVE+TRUTH is a journey of discovery into the impeccable intelligence of Life itself. Explore the fundamental fabric and governing principles of all Creation. With new eyes, perceive the world from a higher vantage point. Revel in the spiritual experience of illumination as you awaken to your fullest potential.

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What They're Saying...

In This Book, You Will Learn...

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Love is the secret sauce, Love is the only answer…

This is the only truth, and honestly, we each know this, although we might not live it. Anything created, empowered, infused, bestowed, encircled, or embraced with love inevitably heals, thrives, grows, flowers, blossoms, unites, harmonizes, regenerates, and creates effervescent beauty in whatever form that might appear.

This wisdom has been forgotten by most, even though countless teachers and masters have come around for centuries to remind us. We only have to witness the state of affairs in the world to see what happens when we collectively forget to embody this wisdom in all we create.

One reason to read LOVE+TRUTH is to go on a quest of remembrance to shorten this journey from the head to the heart. This book is a roadmap for bringing the formless into form. Or, in other words, how to bring spirituality into our existence. Or, in yet other words, how to make our life an expression of spiritual art. This book is a primer to explain the big game, the rules, and how we can become masterful players in the only real game this universe is playing for eternity.

Author | Speaker | Spiritual Mentor

ROBERT ALTHUIS is a spiritual mentor, keynote speaker, and the
founder of Sacred Wealth Collective, a mindfulness organization dedicated to embedding LOVE+TRUTH as foundational spiritual principles for an awakened humanity rising to its full potential.

A profound spiritual awakening experience in 2015 activated his intuitive gifts of claircognizance and clairsentience. This is Robert’s first fully channeled work. As a spiritual teacher, Robert is both a celestial philosopher and a renegade real-world change agent.

A certified medium, Robert holds an MBA from Columbia Business School and was once a Fortune 100 executive and successful real estate and private equity entrepreneur.