It’s not business as usual. It hasn’t been for a while, but the global pandemic has really brought this into focus for everyone. Humankind faces many crises including, but not limited to, climate change, runaway pollution, depletion of natural resources, and social and geopolitical tensions.

Robert Althuis — Leadership and Spiritual Talks

Try not to be a man of success, but rather a man of value.
Performance leader coach and spiritual speaker
Robert Althuis is a performance leader coach, Ivy-league educated entrepreneur, investor, and former Fortune 100 corporate executive. He believes our current version of capitalism and consumerism is unsustainable and it hasn’t fulfilled its promise of joy and happiness.
Business has an opportunity to play a key role in positively transforming this world given its enormous impact on this planet. But, for business to change, leadership must change first because all change starts within.
Profitability is the lifeblood of a thriving enterprise, but when it comes to establishing our goals, we must aim higher and look beyond profitability. This requires a major shift in our awareness of wide-reaching topics such as purpose, integrity, ethics, values, value creation, and understanding the principles of nature.
When we realign our North Star, we become inspired by a much grander vision for ourselves as leader, for our business as a force of good, and for the world as a whole. To become a better leader, you must ask yourself, what do you want your legacy to be?

Necessity is the mother of invention.
Supporting organizations through leadership talks







Soulfulness and entrepreneurship podcasts
Robert is a master storyteller, an inspirational keynote speaker, and an engaging podcast guest who provokes a new level of thinking steeped in optimism in the potential of humanity and business being a driving force of positive change.

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