The Hermetica is accredited to Hermes Trismegistus, often considered a resurrection of Thoth, the Egyptian god of wisdom and scribe of the Gods. This article explores the principle of mentalism—also known as the law of mentalism—a foundational concept in Hermetic philosophy that reveals how our reality is shaped by thought and consciousness.
The Foundations of Hermeticism and the Principle of Mentalism
Even if you’re unfamiliar with Hermes or Hermeticism, much of what you know is based on his purported teachings as the work of Pythagoras, Plato, Copernicus, Leonardo da Vinci, and Isaac Newton just to name a few, as well as the entire body of spiritual philosophy such as alchemy, astrology, Gnosticism, Stoicism, and even the Renaissance find their underpinnings in the Hermetic Principles.
The Seven Hermetic Principles: A Rosetta Stone for Spiritual Truth
The Seven Hermetic Principles are an esoteric Rosetta Stone, and in this 7-part Spiritual Philosophy series I am going to distill the spiritual Truth by synthesizing the deep symbolism encapsulated in each of the Principles.
Metaphor and Symbolism in Ancient Wisdom
First, all ancient wisdom texts including the Bible are writing in metaphors and symbolism. Reading them literally like scholars typically do will have you veer off the spiritual Truth fairway and out of bounds in record speed.
“The All” in Hermeticism refers to “The Substantial Reality – the Fundamental Truth” which we commonly know as God. But, God is just a word, a linguistic label to point at something which is why when we speak of Creator, Yahweh, Brahman, Allah, Monad, Great Spirit, Manitou, Tao, Universal Mind, or Infinite Intelligence and countless other “labels” we’re pointing at the understanding of the very same thing.
The Unknowable Nature of The All and the Law of Mentalism
Fundamentally, The All transcends all names and terms as it’s unknowable except for The All itself.
Any part of The All by definition cannot know the entirety of The All, only the entirety of The All can know the entirety
This is a spiritual Truth which once deeply understood will have you move through life in a great deal of humbleness which is the only state in which we can come to learn more and deeper layers of wisdom within the vastness of the unknowable.
Consciousness: The Fabric of Reality and the Principle of Mentalism
If you wanted to view The All in terms of texture or fabric, it’s Consciousness – Source Consciousness to be exact. And, our entire physical reality is Consciousness expressing itself into form by transmuting its unmanifested essence into manifested essence. Or, if you like science, the wave particle transposing itself into the particle state whereby physical form is created from quanta. Potential energy transmuting itself into kinetic energy, it’s all the same thing.
The All is “Mind” is a metaphor for the fact this entire physical universe – including you and me – have their origins in a thought-form of The All. Our entire universe is the mental simulation occurring in the “Mind” of The All. We are each but an individuated aspect of Source Consciousness – The All or God if you will – with some level of creative authority to co-create reality through our own individuated “Mind” which isn’t the same as our brain’s mind.
Our Mind’s intelligence is merely the operating system with a certain storage capacity, our Heart’s intelligence is our Google browser with which we can access all intelligence everywhere. Our Mind’s intelligence is rational in nature, our Heart’s intelligence is suprarational in nature meaning inclusive of rational intelligence yet far beyond – think “knowing” without the Mind understanding how we actually know it.
“The Universe is Mental”: Infinite Knowledge and Possibility
This brings us to the last piece – “the Universe is Mental” – which is a metaphor that all is already known (i.e. exists as a thought-form) within The All. All past, present, and all future potentialities are already known within The All, meaning that within the infinite field of Source Consciousness (also called Quantum Field in physics) all possibilities already exist.
This the basis of the Hermetic maxim
“While All is in The All, it is equally true that The All is in All.”
The final pivotal dot to connect is that The All is not suggested to be mental in nature as its true nature is Divinity. This is a fundamental understanding as now we can unequivocally conclude that our true nature must be Divinity since “The All is in All” without exception.
One cannot become a grand master in the game of Chess without first mastering the rules of Chess. So it goes with spiritual mastery and in the following six Hermetic Principles we’ll discover All within The All is governed by immutable Laws.
Stay tuned.