The vast majority of people are like sheep, these are good, well-meaning people that aspire to live a humble and honest life. Their true nature is not one of violence and they don’t really want to know or see the shadow side of this world as that requires going within and seeing the darkness within themselves. They follow convention and honor the rules without questioning things too much. Believing in the system is essential to their psychological well-being which is why they are so gullible and this has nothing to do with intelligence or social status. We can find sheep everywhere including among the ranks of highly educated doctors, lawyers, engineers, and successful executives and entrepreneurs. They’re harmless in their intent, but they’re sleepiness makes them vulnerable to being misguided.
Then there are sheepdogs, these are our warrior sheep who live to protect the flock from harm. They know there’s darkness out there and live to guard the innocent sheep from danger. These are our men and women that choose to serve in law enforcement, armed forces, and emergency services like fire brigades. These are by-and-large honorable people willing to serve the greater good on the front lines, they have the capacity for violence but live to access their violence only for the righteous battle in service of the greater good.
Of course, we need sheepdogs because there are also wolves. Wolves are predators, they act out of self-interest — which is greed — and feast on the defenseless sheep. Wolves are everywhere and in every layer of society all the way to the very top. In fact, especially at the top. They have the capacity for violence — whether in the form of physical violence or more sophisticated ways like corruption, fraud, and malfeasance — and lack the capacity to self-govern. They take what they can get, and not just what they need. Although they often disguise themselves cleverly, they are not here to serve others or the whole beehive. Wolves prefer to hunt in packs also, we can see this everywhere in the form of clubs, cliques, and tribes which celebrate their prowess to “kill” and capacity to take. Wolves are completely blind to their insatiable lust for power, words like ethics and integrity are loosely thrown around as disposable buzzwords but in reality the wolf has no moral compass and backbone. Wolves are power players. Power players abuse and misuse power, they have not (yet) cultivated the right use of power like Power Masters have. History is littered with wolves, pick any dictator or oppressive ruler and see how they abused or misused the power vested in them. It’s not just in politics or history though, we still see this play out everywhere in the global political arena today and of course most (but not all!) of the titans, tycoons, and luminaries of business these days are wolves.
Then there are Lions. Lions are a rare breed, these are our true (thought) leaders. Lions have unmatched brute power and the capacity for violence, but they have risen above self-interest, beyond greed, and are our wise way-showers. Lions are keenly aware of their dark side (their strength and capacity for violence) but they consciously choose to follow their deep calling to act out of love, compassion, and integrity. Lions are Power Masters, they are in full control of their power. They are no longer lost in individualism, hedonism, competition, rationalism, persona, conditioned thinking, or the egoic self. Lions have cultivated the ability for the right use of power. So, by choice they are heart-centered and think in terms of what’s best for the whole beehive. Their way of thinking is anchored in wisdom, oneness, inclusion, harmony, and fairness fueled by love and courage. Lions don’t need packs or external validation, they are governed by an inner knowing that comes directly from Source. Lions play for love of the game, they make their life their art. So, lions stand out and their fate is to be well ahead of the crowds. The wolves tend to ridicule or mock the lion but this comes from fear as deep down the wolves know they are outclassed as the lion sees right through the wolves’ polished veneer. Lions live their life in truth, wolves live it in illusion no matter how fancy or prestigious the disguise.
Now, the beauty in all of this is we can choose to be what we are. It requires growth and expansion which is the willingness to do the inner work but we all have the capacity to change and transform. Nevertheless, it’s also important to note that we’re not all here to become lions, there’s nothing inherently wrong with being a sheep. But, at the same time, we see sheepdogs that lose their moral compass and so they become wolves. They misuse their capacity for violence and get corrupted in that they lose their integrity, we see this quite a bit at the highest levels of law enforcement and armed forces where lust for power (which is a form of greed) overshadows the original desire to do the right thing. Now, all means become justified by the end goal. Throughout history we’ve seen this time and time again where well-intended change agents become ruthless dictators.
But, most importantly, wolves can become lions. And, in the world today, this is what we desperately need to see the change we’re in such desperate need of. We need the wolves of politics, Wall Street, and industry to go within and access their heart and mine that deep well of true wisdom, deep love, and healing compassion. To rise above their self-interest and find the courage to stand up for what’s right over what’s convenient. To rise above the egoic mind and it’s endless justifications for self-dealing at the expense of the beehive. To become a leader regardless of the arrows that will be shot at you, the ridicule, the mockery, and the inevitable sacrifices it will take to show up in integrity when temptation is at its greatest. We need these Power Players to rise and become Power Masters. The lion is always tested, but he thrives on that resistance because he’s driven by purpose far more than his indulgences in pleasure.
I am calling all wolves in positions of power and influence to let divine inspiration pierce open your heart, to allow the goodness that’s held hostage within the deep corners of your heart to become expressed so you may become the leader, way shower, and game changer you are meant to be. The prize is not even the beauty you’ll bring into this world, the true prize is only this can make you feel the wholeness you’re craving. Nothing you chase and accumulate in the outer world will ever fill the void inside you, that’s the curse of the Power Player. And, for that matter you don’t have to abandon worldly abundance in any way. In fact, you will likely create and produce it with far more ease and lower blood pressure. It’s also almost guaranteed its significance to you will be so greatly reduced you’re no longer a prisoner of your unquenchable lust for ever more. It all becomes play and joyful. Only by becoming a Power Master you can become whole and get a taste of true freedom. Because as a Power Player the power owns you, and so you are not free, not sovereign, and deep down every wolf knows this. To become truly free you have to become the master of your powers which is an inside job and this is your invitation to become a lion.
Even though we live in a deeply troubled world rife with wars, violence, hate, injustices, inequality, inequity, epic pollution, and disharmony we can find peace and solace in trusting that everything is always in perfect order. This universe was created by an intelligence far greater than our own, all the shadow side represents is an invitation to change within as so within, so without. As above, so below. The world is a mirror, we change it by changing within. It’s not your job to change the whole world, your only job is to make your world within whole and by doing so the world will mirror back your inner understanding. The invitation is to step into your greatness, to allow your genius to express itself and within that journey is the real gold we are all looking for all along.
So really the only question that remains is: are you ready to accept the invitation?
Love & Truth,